SAE Stainless Steel Shot & Cut Wire

SAE Stainless Steel Shot is manufactured to meet SAE Specifications. The various sizes, hardness, Chemistry, and percentage of non-rounds are measured to meet these specs. SAE Stainless cut wire is manufactured by cutting drawn stainless steel wire into chops where the diameter equals the length. Once cut these pieces are called “As Cut” cut wire. They can be sold as-is for a more aggressive blast application. They also can be run through a blast machine to round up the cut edges. Once this is done the material is called “Conditioned Cut Wire.” Stainless Steel shot and cut wire is used for surface cleaning, preparation, and finishing of non-ferrous metals, stainless steel castings or forgings. We provide three different grades of stainless steel shot: C (chromium-based stainless steel shot), CN (chromium – nickel-based stainless steel shot), and CG (chromium-based stainless steel grit).